Petroleum Sector Projects

Eshpetco Petroleum
• Upgrading for flour SPOUT packing machine by using VIPA PLC.
• Install Touch screens for two machines.
• Full SCADA system for the whole mill (2 lines with capacity 300 Ton/day includes 3 PC for monitoring the mill by SCADA MOVICON.
• Monitoring system for wheat silos to measure temperature, moisture, recognizes the quantity of the output and the rest and detect low levels of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) in stored grain. Monitoring the CO2 will give you the earliest possible detection and WARNING if you have any unwanted biologic activity in your stored grain. It will alert you earlier than any other technology such as temperature monitoring.
• Supply and Install OZONATOR (Ozonating means that a low concentration of Ozone is vented trough the grain in a controlled process for a sufficient amount of time to terminate any biologic activity %100)